Rapture in Lagos as 500 HR Professionals disappear!

On Thursday December 7, 2017, 500 HR Professionals, Business Leaders and Enthusiasts disapeared from their offices to be present at the event they had all been waiting for, the 5th HR Bootcamp Conferenceheld at the prestigious Ballroom of the Oriental Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos. In line with the theme of the conference –Disruptive by Design: The Future of Work, 16 notable and engaging speakers shared with participants how technological advancements are changing the design and future of the workplace, the workforce and work itself. The conference was opened by the Founder Adora Ikwuemesi while the thought provoking Keynote Address was delivered by Mitchell Elegbe, Group Managing Director, Interswitch Group. Speakers from Microsoft, GE, Dangote, Troyka Holdings, Coca Cola and many more were present to share fresh insight. With each speaker bringing on a different and unique perspective of what HR ought to be doing to adapt to the challenges and changes that digital disruptions p...