Mum dies of a broken heart after losing son, 10, and granddad days apart

A woman reportedly died of a broken heart this week after losing her 10-year-old son and her granddad just days apart. Ashley Tomlin, 32, suffered a ruptured heart artery and could not be saved by paramedics. Ashley died in the early hours of Monday morning while at home with mum Jill Tomlin. Ms Tomlin�s dad Keith, 59 says his daughter "died of a broken heart" after losing her grandfather, James Tomlin, just a day before her son Jak died. Jak passed away on November 6, just hours after complaining of chest pains. He died of a ruptured heart artery also, just like his mother. Keith spoke of the night his daughter spent with her mother before she died, saying: "They had a quiet night in and it got to about midnight, when Ashley went to the bathroom. Jill heard a noise and when she went in, she found Ashley having a seizure. The paramedics couldn�t bring her round. They think it was a massive heart attack, but I have my first meeting with the coroner and he told me he wishes they could put �broken heart� on the death certificate, because that is basically what it was." After Jak�s death, housewife Ashley described her son as "perfect in every way". Ashley's family are trying to come to terms with a third unimaginable loss in just one month. Keith said: "Ashley was our only child. I�ve lost almost my whole family in a matter of four weeks. Jill has lost the main focus of her life. They were her life. My focus now is on helping my ex-wife get through this. I don�t know how I�ll get through it but I have to."


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