The Owens Family

Julie and John came up yesterday with Sadie and Jack. They brought Brownies right out of the oven and served them with ice cream. Excellent. They had planned to go to Omaha but changed their plans as the snow continued to fall. It seems that Seward with it's 5 inches was among the greater amounts received yesterday. Our low temperature of 25 degrees also came close to setting a record for this date. It was amazing how the snow melted today. The sun shown brightly all day but the temperature was in the 40s. There is very little snow left except in the shaded areas. John had taken some pictures of the kids playing in the snow in their back yard before they came over. He handed his phone to Jack to bring it over to show me. While it was a neat little video, what amazed me was Jacks ability to "play" the phone. He will have his 4th birthday later this month. Sadie is equally impressive but just not as outgoing as Jack. The two of them play off each other and get a long real well.


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