Seward, Alaska

This Seward, Alaska Visitor's Center shot showed up in our 1989  pictures today. It is not very visible but the sign I'm pointing to says, "Seward, Nebraska - 4,135 miles" with an arrow pointing south. (We have a similar one here that points north). We took this on July 12th after having left home for Alaska and a Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Meeting in Edmondton, Alberta, on June 19th in our Pickup truck with a Shell over the box and fitted with sleeping accommodations, food and clothing storage. (We got back home on August 5th) While my scanning process has been to transfer to Flash Drive those pictures which may be of interest to our family in the future. It also has the current benefit of my going through all of our pictures and making the decision on which to select for transfer. Our travels present a particular challenge since I doubt that family will have much future interest in a picture such as this, but I haven't given up on being able to play the Flash Drive back. So, I'm including some pictures like this one to show "highlights" of some of our travels, etc.


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