Rev. Robert Perry

Rev. Bob Perry from the Seward United Methodist Church led the Church Service at Brookdale this afternoon. Eli Stark provided accompaniment for Hymn singing. Rev. Perry used scripture readings  that told of Job being blessed with great wealth only  to see it destroyed and eventually returned, to support his discussion of our "accepting the new normal". I can't think of any place where the message would be more appropriate than  at a facility like Brookdale. None of us would be here were it not that we are adjusting to a different life style than what we enjoyed in our own homes. Like with Job, having faith in the Good Shepard to lead us is the only way we can adjust and accept this "new normal". Rev. Perry's examples were of his Dad's athletic endeavors that eventually led to golf; and even to the number of holes that he could play/day. I have been very fortunate in being able to "give up" jobs, public service positions, and recreational activities as my abilities declined, and move into something less demanding. Working with Elaine in managing our own daily affairs is our main responsibility.  Continuing to organize, scan, process and put family pictures on Flash Drives for Family History is also something I enjoy doing; writing this daily blog is another. This devotion to lesser demanding activities would not be acceptable without guidance "from the Good Shepard".


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