Our Spectrum Internet service has been erratic the past couple days, being "off" most of the time. I wasn't able to send a blog page yesterday. The repair truck just pulled out so maybe they have it "fixed". Carolyn got us up to their house this afternoon. It's been a couple weeks since we've been inside so were very impressed with the progress. The counter tops and all the trim work is a big part of what hopefully will get done in the next couple weeks. A lot of work is still to be done in the bathrooms too. Carolyn is very

pleased with the wooden beams in the Great Room that includes the Living, Dining and Kitchen areas. The view out the back of the house is beautiful this fall with the trees and grass so colorful. The area is a major addition to the City of Seward North Cemetery. They are having an addition added to the recently poured patio out the glass doors which will make it a very neat area. Carolyn has really been involved in every detail and decision throughout this whole construction project.
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