My Folks

This is one of the many 1987 pictures that I scanned today and it relates to our discussion with Carolyn and Ben this morning about growing old. We have seen the decline of some of our fellow residents and also marvel at the ability of several in their upper 90's. Dad would have been approaching his 91st birthday at the time this picture was taken and Mother was 87. While we maintained a close relationship with the Folks, we were involved with our farm and my job until retiring in the spring of '88. I was pleased that the Folks enjoyed my 2nd retirement party in Lincoln. We had our Farm Sale in the spring of 1989.  The Folks attended that and talked about all of the interesting things they had done out there including Dad's field work.  After the Farm sale we spent 6 weeks on a camping trip to Alaska and attending the International Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting in Canada. While there, I accepted the position of Executive Vice-President of the organization with headquarters at Ankeny, IA. We bought a Condo there and reported for duty on September 1, 1989. We maintained our home in Seward and got back quite frequently where we always saw the folks. We had a Family event at the Hughes Cabin on October 22 to Celebrate Dad's 93rd birthday and the Folks 69th Wedding Anniversary. Dad was hospitalized with Acute Leukemia on November 1st, moved to the Sunderman Rest home and died on December 15th. Mother continued to live alone with Vivian available as well as Carolyn and Jon and Mary who had moved back. Tim, Laura and Tony as well as Carolyn, Julie, Heather and Mother came to visit us in Ankeny over the Memorial Day weekend. On June 3rd, Mother had a TIA (Mini stroke), after phone calls to local Doctors as well as her family Doctor her condition improved and we took her back to Seward. Elaine stayed in Seward for a few days to be with her though she appeared back to "normal". All seemed to be going well with our getting back quite frequently including our taking Mother to Church for Communion on December 2nd. Carolyn called us on the 5th to say Mother had suffered a Stroke and was unable to speak. We came right away and went to the hospital as Don's arrived. Vivian and Gladys stayed with Mother over night and she passed away the next day after we all had an opportunity to tell her Good Bye.


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