Memorable Dinner

Brother Don, Gladys and their daughter Laurie came up from Syracuse to visit and have Dinner with us here in Brookdale this noon. We had an excellent breaded Shrimp meal in the private dining room. Laurie took this picture and told of the upcoming marriage of their daughter. She and husband Jim have both had successful civil service careers at the Offutt AFB. The painting on the wall is of the house at the farm where Don, I and our Dad grew up and where Don and Gladys lived after getting married. (The clock is from Elaine's maternal side of her family). Our visits always result in each of us learning of some new family connections. I pulled up some of my old "Crow's Nest" post that helped answer some of our questions. It was ironic that their visit today was on the 122nd anniversary of our Dad's Birth. Don raised a Toast to him which we all joined in with our water glasses at the Dinner table.


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