I finished scanning my 1986 pictures yesterday and moved into 1987 today. Here is one taken at the Goehner, NE 100 year celebration on May30. This is of Bob and Lee Graff, longtime Goehner area residents. Growing beards wasn't as popular than as it is now but was done for Centennial celebrations such as this. Smith Brothers cough drops we popular in those days and pictured two men with full beards on the box as the "Smith Brothers". It was a most interesting entry into the parade that extended for nearly two miles. I showed this picture to Lavonne, Bob's widow, at Supper here this evening. We sat at adjoining tables. We were involved in the event with a Seward Grange float telling of Nebraska using 3,000 gallons of water and 2 bushels of soil for every bushel of corn we produce. I had noted their being more people in the parade than watching it.

Elaine woke up with a bad headache this morning and was down for most of the day. I had given her an Aspirin early and a Tylenol later. Neighbor Steve loaned her Excedrin which helped her get out of bed. She didn't go to the Dining room but the staff brought it to the room. Carolyn and Jack came up in late afternoon which may have helped as much as the pills. Jack was wearing his new rubber boots and was not going to take them off while playing with his toys. I'm going to have a pear before going to bed and will try to talk her into having one, too. We are watching the Colorado Rockies lead the Chicago Cubs 1-0 in the top of the 6th.
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