Good Day in Brookdale

Every so often we have the choice of Chicken Tenders or BBQ Ribs for the Dinner meal here at Brookdale. This was the day that Elaine chose the Ribs. Like the Country Girl that she is, her eating them is demonstrated in this picture. I'm sure they were good and there was nothing left for the dog on the bones when she finished. We are sharing one of my "left-over" Chicken Tenders as I write this. 
We were pleased that Rev. Jo Ellen with the United Methodist Church was up this afternoon to serve a group of us Communion by intinction. It was very well received and we later were able to confirm that our pictures from 3-4 years ago can be used in the new Church Directory underway.  I indicated to her of my pleasure of her recently becoming a member of our Kiwanis Club of Seward. She adds to the percentage of very capable women in the Club including our President, President Elect etc.


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