Changes over Time

My picture scanning took me into early June 1990 when we were living in Ankeny, IA and Tim, Laura and Tony came to visit. A couple days later, Carolyn and Julie brought Mother over to all visit. While we were able to show them many items of interest the first couple days, Mother went down coming back from the bathroom. We got her back in bed and made contact with local emergency medical people. We also called Dr. Pitsch, Mother's family Doctor in Seward. It was determined that we would take her back home and got on the way by 10:30am. Dr. Pitsch came over to our house soon after we got home and stayed for a couple hours. He called it a Mini-Stroke which would be called a TIA today. She woke up feeling good the next morning but Elaine stayed with her in Seward.
Vivian had called all of the family to let them know of Mother's condition. She didn't appear to suffer any permanent damage and enjoyed a big 90th Birthday celebration in August but suffered a fatal stroke in December. Prior to all the excitement with Mother, we were all impressed with little Tony. He was able to say many words and trying to say many others. I noted in my Journal that he had a good overhand throw in feeding the ducks. His curly blond hair was just outstanding. Here is a close up to see the curls and it was all natural. I wonder if it would still be curly today if he let it grow long. I doubt that the people he works with back in Raleigh, NC have ever imagined he was this cute.


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