Change: Weather and USDA

The snow flakes began soon after 9:00am this morning and by 11:00, you could have tracked a rabbit across the lawn. This is the way our Patio looked about 2:00pm. It tapered off and the 5 inches on the table settled down to  about 3 as the temperature fell. It is to get down to 25 degrees tonight but are to have several days of Indian Summer following.
I noted son Jon's involvement in USDA organizational changes in a recent post. He has just sent the following as a follow-up:

"End of an Era, Continuation of a Legacy
Tonight, October 13, 2018, ends an era of more than 150 years of service to the USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS) and Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) by the Vrana/Flowerday family. I have carried this conservation tradition forward for more than 42 years, the last 22 years of which have been in Washington, DC in National Headquarters.
Tomorrow I begin my service in the Business Center of the USDA Farm Production and Conservation Mission Area. The business center is designed to support the agencies in greater efficiency and effectiveness.
The NRCS, as well as the Farm Service Agency (FSA) and the Risk Management Administration (RMA), will continue to do their great service to the American farmer and the taxpayer."


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