Appointment with Dr. Henslee

I had an appointment with Dr. Donald Henslee who comes out from Lincoln to the Seward Hospital Specialty Center once per month. He reminded me this morning that it has been 26 years that he has been my Urologist. The Doctor who did my prostatectomy back in the spring of 1992 retired soon after the surgery and I've been with Dr. Henslee ever since. Though he monitored the increase in my PSA reading over the years; when it reached 61 back June of 2016, he decided it was time for hormone treatment. I had never had any radiation nor chemical  treatment following the surgery. I began a regimen of Lupron shots and a 7-day supply of Casodex pills. By October 2016 the PSA was down to 2.8 and by April of 2017, it was down to 0.70, and 0.47 in September. With what may have been some side effects, we decided to "pause" the Lupron for 6 months. It was at 0.40 in April and 1.16 today. We will continue the "pause" of treatment and look forward to the reading next May. I always feel better after meeting with him. Elaine took the picture.


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