A Sunny Day on the Hughes House

Progress continues to be made on the Hughes house. I got this picture about 3:00 pm today as they were putting siding on the south side. A plumbing truck was there so something was going on in the inside as well. It is still very muddy so I didn't even think about getting out of the car. The temperature rose to 70 degrees late this afternoon under clear skies with dry weather forecast for the next several days. We hope it will "dry up" the mud like the 5 inches of snow we got on Sunday was all gone this morning. We personally had a busy day by going to Walmart, the Bank, Elaine going to the Beauty Shop and my getting  hair cut. The Boston Red Sox just got a Grand Slam HR to lead the Houston Astros 8-2 going into the bottom of the 8th inning. 


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