911 calls

Barb Liska, the head Dispatcher of the Seward County 911 office had the program today at Kiwanis. The primary responsibility of the Seward County Communications office is to dispatch for the Seward County Sheriff�s Department, Seward Police Department, Milford Police Department, all fire and rescue calls in Seward County, and handling all 911 and non-emergency calls. To report Crime Stoppers Tips, Call Crime Stoppers 402-643 3334. 
Following her presentation  and questions from the audience, it seems that a couple people had difficulty getting through to her with the 911 number. In that case the number 492 643 4576 will get you to the Dispatcher. Another problem mentioned was coming upon an accident on a country road and not being able to determine the location. While the intersections are all marked, it can be a problem if you are driving by landmarks and are not aware of the road name or number. I would hope that technology would soon enable our smart phones to give us a Lat/log reading that could be interpreted by the Dispatcher office.


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