Time Flys

We were graciously entertained during our Dinner this noon when the Men's Choir from Concordia came and sang for us. They also moved on down the hall and sang for those in the Assisted Dining room which we could hear as background music. You know you are living in a small community when... This could be continued with something that comes up nearly every day. While working through my 1986 pictures and checking our Highlights book, I came across a Journal entry that told of my having conferred a degree on one of our "table mates". I took the Journal along to dinner and showed it to Steve. I had also written of  Julie and his son who were  friends.
Our entertainment isn't limited to what is provided in the facility but to some extent by what goes on right outside our Patio doors. We had suspected that the heavy cement lid may cover a cesspool and this morning it was pumped out. We didn't open the doors to check on any smell but enjoyed knowing that we didn't have to help them. This picture of Elaine with Nebraska Congresswomen Virginia Smith was one of the pictures I processed today. It was taken on July 4, 1986 at the dedication of the Calamus Dam where she spoke along with Senators Exon and Zorinsky. We got away at noon and were back in Seward to join folks on our driveway to watch the parade. We had supper and watched the fireworks that had been moved from the park to Concordia because of floods.



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