Latter '84

Our 1984 selected pictures are on the Flash Drive. I was able to get to a benchmark and am ready to move on to '85. It didn't seem like it was that long ago until Elaine mentioned that Granddaughter Heather was about to have her 35th birthday. I remember of working with her pictures ahead of her first birthday during '84. We did a lot of traveling during that year with our Motorhome being new and we traveled to Soil and Water Conservation Society, National Association of Conservation Districts and other professional meetings as well as visiting family in Indiana, Virginia and North Carolina. In the process we visited the Baltimore Mansion in Ashville, NC and the World's Fair at Knoxville, TN. We concluded our year's travel with a trip to Hawaii. We had been there earlier but this was strictly a pleasure trip. I believe the last of my Hawaiian shirts went either to Garbage or EtCetera in our move here a year ago. One of my favorite pictures is that of Dad up in the pasture looking over the Vrana farm where he grew up and farmed for many years. I remember the day we made that trip as well as if it were last week.


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