A Full Sunday

We enjoyed a Worship-Singing service this afternoon led by Rev. Pam Williams. In addition to this choral group their were others with musical instruments including Cindy Mavis playing piano. We heard that the word "Gospel" is a combination of the words, God and Spirit. And, how Jesus taught us about the "Grace of God". We in the audience were invited to join in the singing and readings with printed hand-out sheets. There was a good turnout of residents for the service and the group was, going from here at Brookdale directly over to the Greene House. One of the highlights was a duet sung by Elizabeth Mavis and Lloyd Schulz.
We also took in Rev. James Keck's sermon from First Plymouth Congregational Church in Lincoln telecast on Sunday mornings. He used Mathew Chapter 14 as his scripture reading to talk about "courage". He used the flying monkeys and other characters from the "Wizard of Oz" to demonstrate that we, like these characters, have more abilities than we have the courage to demonstrate. He cited Jesus walking on water as a Resurrection event to encourage not being afraid and having the courage to "take a chance".  He too taught us that the word "Worship" came from the Greek "Worthy Ship". We were also pleased to have Carolyn come take us up to see this last week's progress on their house. Most of the wiring is in and the 4 heavy beams have been installed and treated in the Great room. The number of wires leading to the Circut Breaker Box  is unbelievable


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