Stacking Alfalfa in 1951

It is seldom that a double-exposure picture is used on a blog page but when I scanned it this morning, it brought back many memories. Brother Don is driving the Model A John  Deere tractor with a mounted hay buck on its front. While it doesn't show, Dad was on the little Ford tractor pulling up the "over-shot stacker" tow rope after Don had "bucked" a load onto it. I got off the alfalfa stack and took the picture. My ladder is up for me to get back up there and move that new load of hay into position to build a nice round stack. I would tramp the hay down in the process of moving it. Dad would give me some guidance in keeping the stack uniform between his pulling them up and getting the stacker back down. (It had springs to do this as the tow rope was released) There are few young farmers today that ever put up alfalfa hay in this manner but it was pretty efficient. Nothing beat the smell of that hay the next winter as it was loaded onto a hayrack and hauled to the cattle.


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