Son Jon at Beltsville PMC in 1970

Here is son Jon taking a picture of things at the SCS Plant Materials Center at Beltsville, MD in May of 1970. The annual SCS picnic was held at that facility that year and Wayne Evertt showed us around the PMC. I had a special interest in the Agencies work with various plants in it's several strategically located centers. It stemmed from working with Arnold Davis who began his SCS career working with us in the Seward field office. He and his family moved to Beltsville in 1962 the same summer we moved to the National Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Our families spent a lot of time together during those early years. Dave retired as the Head Plant Materials specialist for the south. During my years with the agency, I visited many of the dozen or so PMC's including the one on the island of Maui in the Hawaiian Islands.


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