Paul Siebert was back at Brookdale this afternoon for the August birthday party. He not only played the 5 musical instruments that he brings with him but took us on a "trip", told us stories and led singing of appropriate songs along the way. We traveled to Branson, Mo, Texas, New Orleans, Memphis, Nashville, West Virginia; then flew to England, Germany, Italy and flew back to NEBRASKA. Even though it was out of the way, we got to Hawaii to sing "Tiny bubbles" with Don Ho. We did "Waltz Across Texas" and a few years ago, Elaine and I would have gotten up and danced. He played some polka music on the button accordion while in Germany for the Octoberfest as well as Back's, "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring". Then we sang "There is No Place like Nebraska" as we flew home.
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