Olive Garden Lunch

This was a busy day for us that kept us on the go all day.
Carolyn drove us down to The Olive Garden in Lincoln where we met Don and Gladys for lunch toady. We always like their soup, salad, and bread stick lunch. And, the visit is always the highlight. We have seen pictures on Facebook recently of their 10 grand children and 11 great grandchildren and needed some help in keeping up with all of their interesting activities and educational pursuits. Their oldest Great Granddaughter is a Senior at Wesleyan  this fall. After lunch I picked up a pair of glasses with new lenses from Stanton Optical. Then we visited the new Hughes house when we got back to Seward where a lot was happening.
Several roofers were putting covering and shingles on the roof. A plumber was working inside where he and Carolyn made some decisions. This evening Marv Taylor asked me to ride along to deliver a U.S. flag to a place in the NW corner of Lancaster Co. We drove over the dam at Branched Oak to get there. It was a beautiful evening and an interesting trip. (I had hoped to add a picture of the front of the house and the flag pole but couldn't get them on.)


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