All in One Day
There were nearly 50 people in the Brookdale Dining room this evening for musical entrainment this evening provided by young Ben Meyer and his Dad. Ben is obviously very talented and spoke of being more familiar with playing the organ at Church than the Piano. He played a variety of pieces without the benefit of music. Some of what he played were his own creations and others, recognized renditions. He and his Dad traded off after a few minutes. Dad confessed that he was just learning to play the Piano Accordion and has a way to go to reach the level expressed by young Ben. We had entertainment of a different nature with surveyors outside our window working on the installation of a drain to capture rain runoff from the building's roof. Larger eve troughs will also be installed. We are pleased to see it being done since our living room floor is only about three inches above the level of the patio. The drainage was one of my concerns as we selected this Unit. After being here now for a year, we are real appreciative of our location. Not only for our close proximity to the Dinning Room but also because of the quality of our Wifi.

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