A Big Day

A lot of progress has been made on the Hughes house during the past 3 days. The subfloor was down by the weekend but everything you see has been done this week. We got up there this evening to see the last 6 trusses put up over the garage. The teamwork of the small crew is just amazing to watch. Having the large machine to lift the trusses to where they can be swung into place and anchored down makes short work of a major job. I believe the plan is to put the weatherboard over the trusses tomorrow  and get the place closed in. A lot of bracing has already taken place. I know that a lot of time will be spent on the details of finish work, but it's great to see that equipment and skilled workers can make such great progress on this phase.
Jon and I continue to work on computer project when he is not involved with office communication. They decided that since Elaine's birthday was less than 3 weeks away, that they would fix a birthday supper and cake for her this evening. They kept her out of the kitchen as things were finalized. It was a coincidence that Carolyn and Ben sopped by in time to join us in singing Happy Birthday. After Elaine got the candles blown out, Jon brought out the gifts. They included a set of Spatulas, 2-fly swatters and an automatic electric kettle that shuts off automatically.
We all took part in the Brookdale fire drill this afternoon where all residents were moved outdoors. They were directed to go in all directions and we had a short walk to the Front Door. We were only out a few minutes before returning to our units. Then Jon and I went to the community song fest led by Eli Stark with some 20 participants. Jon and I have always enjoyed singing together. We closed with "How Great Thou Art". It was inspirational.


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