SHS Marching Band

We were treated this evening by the Seward HS Marching Band coming up to Brookdale. They may have been practicing for the Big 4th of July Parade at 4:00pm tomorrow, but they sounded very good. The Ridgewood and Greenhouse facilities are just across the street from the school ground and our facility is just about a block north. Residents at all 3 facilities enjoyed the benefit of their marching music. Rosellen had announced that they would be coming up soon after 7:00 but there was some question of their route. We went out the front door and I took the pictures from there, but we also learned that they marched around the parking area near our Patio. We have pretty well decided to not participate in any of the activities downtown tomorrow.
This will be the first time for many years that we haven't sat on our driveway with old friends to watch the parade. It will be interesting to see how many of the "regulars" that set on the grass, show-up to ask permission of the new owners. Actually, we missed much of the parade last year. Elaine and I rode in it as the Seward County Community Service Award winner. As pleased as I was with the recognition and the ride in Mark's convertible, part of the logistics made it less than a happy event. Living on the Parade route made it difficult to get back home while it was still in process. 


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