Owenses Visit

We were pleased to have Julie, John, Sadie and Jack Owens come up to visit this evening. The kids enjoyed playing outdoors by running through the freshly mowed lawn and we had a good visit inside. Our discussion led me in to pulling out my copies of "Seward County Nebraska Atlas" compiled and published by the "Title Atlas Co." Minneapolis 40, MN. I have the copies from 1962, 1977, 1986 and 1996. It is amazing the amount of personal information contained therein. I also have a copy of "1990 Plat Maps of Seward County NE" compiled and published by R. C. Booth Enterprises of Harlan, Iowa. (It has no personal information). Julie told of a lady my age working with her and others in teaching them how to make Kolaches. This lady grew up neighbors to Elaine so we had to explain where it was from Bee. We are learning that young people can't relate to some of our old benchmarks since most of them were gone before they were born. 


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