Our Children

Getting back into some on the old pictures taken when our kids were growing up in Virginia, makes me realize how much "they were on their own".  While we did what we could to provide Parental Guidance and got them to Church activities etc., Elaine and I were both busy with our jobs. In addition, I spent many years taking College Classes and had a very limited amount of time to spend with them.The boys all had paper routes and various "jobs" along the way. We had many "family outings" down along the Potomic, various  places of interest, ball parks and vacations. As demonstrated by Verlon's vest, they all had sufficient personal time to develop their individual talents. All were involved in Music lessons to some degree. One of Tim's disappointments was his Freshman year in College out here in Nebraska. He was much happier after transfering to Duke.
Jon probably had the most successful Boy Scout experience. It along with his long time newspaper route kept him busy. He also had a Science Fair project on "Soils" which led to his career as a Soil Scientist. His timing was just right to pick up an early interest in computers. Carolyn did some baby sitting with neighboring youngsters which helped develop parenting skills. She always had close girl friends  and never really developed her interest in teaching until after having her BA from Appalachian State in Boone, NC. After we were back in Nebraska, she received another BA from Concordia with Teaching credentials. She later received an MA from UN-L and enjoyed a very successful Elementary Teaching career. We appreciate her being in Seward.


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