Old Pictures, Old Golfer

I continue to work with old pictures toward the goal of being able to pass them on to family in an organized manner. I went through a few hundred from the early 90's today and couldn't resist putting a couple on my blog page this evening. This is Tony and Deb Vrana's Wedding picture. We certainly had a nice visit with them this past Thursday as they were here and had supper with us. Carolyn came up, too. We all went for a car ride during which they were able to get out to see Julie, John and the kids. Tony and Deb have matured nicely since this picture was taken but their appearance has changed very little. 
This next picture of Ben, Carolyn, and Julie was taken in the Denton area while they enjoyed
doing some native camping. 
Ben was a "seasoned camper" and Carolyn seemed to adapt to it very well. It was another one of the great experiences that Julie experienced that contributed to her well rounded childhood. 
I rooted for 42 year old Tiger Woods as he competed in the British Open which concluded today in Scotland. Tiger led for a short while about the time he made the turn. He finished in 6th place at -5 with Francesco Molinari from Italy winning at -8.


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