Meetings with Old Friends

As I finished putting digital pictures on my 32 GB Flash Drive, I came across an old Picasa Backup from '05 that had pictures of the 2003 SWCS and ARSCSE meetings in Spokane, WA. Elaine and I drove out to Seattle to visit Safco Field, home of the Mariners baseball team. We went on a 2-hour tour in the morning and saw everything from the Press Box to the Dugout. Then saw the Mariners beat the Rangers 11-5. We drove through the Moses Lake region to Spokane and checked in to the Doubletree Hotel for the Society Meeting. The picture shows the Nebraska Delegation with Steve Chick, State Conservationist. We met son Jon in the Exhibit Hall where he had a Poster and then he introduced Norm Berg at the Fellows meeting.
As outgoing President of the Retiree's Ass'n, I chaired a meeting of the Board of Directors consisting of: Neil Bogner, Bob Eddleman (incoming President), Linda dePeteris & Mike Nethery. At the Dinner Meeting that evening, I had the pleasure of presenting the President's Award to Jim Bennett and was pleased to turn the leadership over to Bob Eddleman. We visited Lou and Edna Kehne at their house and drove home through Yellowstone National Park.


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