Life in the Slow Lane

Elaine spent her spare time today doing word search challenges and I continued to work on scanning print pictures in preparation for going on a flash drive. I began with the last packet at the end of 1990 and am working toward the beginning of the year. As shown in the picture, we have 22 packets of pictures, most of which have 25 prints. We did a lot of traveling during the year with my job as Exec. Director of the Soil and Water Conservation Society at Ankeny, IA. Jon's family moved back to Seward that year and Mother passed away in December. I am now working on a packet from mid-August that includes a short trip with Tim's family, Carolyn, Julie and Elaine and me. We left from our Condo in Ankeny for Galena, IL; had a picnic lunch in the park at Amana, saw the Czech Museum in Cedar Rapids and were able to get rooms in Freeport, IL. After a day in Galena, Tim's headed for home and we went on to New Galarus, up to Dodgerville and on to visit The House on the Rock. We went to Prairie de Chien, McGregor, toured the Gov. Larsbers home and The Little Brown Church. To help me identify things, I have a picture index, our "Highlights", a "Narrative" for the year and finally my Journal. It's a slow process but very enjoyable and hopefully will produce something that will be of interest to our family in the future.


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