Deb and Tony Vrana's Visit

Deb and Tony Vrana from Tomah, WI got here this afternoon. We had a good visit with a little refreshment, before going to Supper at 4:30.  We continued to get "caught up" on their activities after having covered the family earlier. Tony does very few drywall jobs anymore but spends time with their 20 rental apartments in 3 buildings and some 200 storage units. We visited about Sondra, Jim, Cindy, Chad, Cody and his wife, Carley , Tanya and Christian's moving back to Denver with their  daughter Harper. Tony and Deb's son Ethan is 18 and is in the Twin Cities for motorcycle activities ths weekend. Their daughter Kacey is visiting a friend in Beatrice, NE which helped prompt their visit of Don's family in Syracuse and ours here in Seward. Carolyn came up and we went out to see her new house under construction, we drove past the old Turner house, out to Julie and John's home and then "signed in" at the "Parade of Flags". It was a short but very nice visit.


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