Binders and Flash Drive

These 3 binders hold "My Life Story". It was started many years ago as an Autobiography and morphed into its current title. It currently contains 29 chapters ranging from "The Early Years"  which took me through High School to the present time in Chapter 29. The Chapters are subdivided into Sections with each of the past 14 calender years designated as a section within the last 5 Chapters. What were Chapters in the earlier version became sections in the current organization. Each section contains a Narrative, Collages of pictures and Captions for those Collages. The narratives typically contain an average of 15 pages of single spaced written material. Some of this information has been readily available and much of it has recently been scanned. I have now placed all 29 Chapters covering a period of over 90 years, on a 32 GB Flash Drive. In addition I put "My Career in SCS" on the flash drive. It covers my 32 year career in the USDA Soil Conservation Service, with over 107,000 words and a few pictures. 
The narrative shown here contains several pictures which is not the normal. The bottom binder holds a printed copy of "My Career in SCS" (Now called the NRCS, Natural Resource Conservation Service.) It also shows my progression from a GS-4 WAE to the Senior Executive Service following a GS-16. It was a great Career. 
I'm now organizing selected  digital pictures to be added to the Flash Drive. I currently have them from current time back to the early 80's. The next step will be adding the pictures that we had converted from 35mm slides. Following that we have 2 tubs of Advantix prints that can be scanned and put on the 32 GB Flash Drive. We also have many years of other pictures as well as many boxes of 35mm slides. This is what I planned to work on when we moved here to Brookdale and it's keeping me challenged. I keep a folder of notes on some of the computer procedures.


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