Baba Kunyi is inviting social media users to make easy money through "money rituals without human sacrifice".

Social media is the exclusive preserve of young millennials, shoe retailers and people with political ambitions but it now appears there’s a ‘ritualist’, Baba Kunyi, advertising his services on Twitter.
The twitter account, @BabaKunyi has been advertising money rituals without human sacrifice by posting photos of what appears to be satisfied customers with huge wads of cash and claims of quick solutions to spiritual problems

The account’s bio implores people to call a number provided within and be free from their spiritual problems.

If you want to be a bit more formal, there’s an incomplete email address in one of the tweets carrying Baba Kunyi’s rave reviews.

Although it has only two tweets, it appears the account has been active since February 2018.

One of the tweets carries a photo of what appears to be Baba Kunyi sitting over an earthenware pot with large wads of cash scattered around the room.

There’s no indication of where Baba Kunyi is located. There’s a website,, but it appears to lead nowhere.

Digital marketing for Babalawos
As strange as this is, it is not the first time that a Twitter account, ostensibly belonging to a ritualist, is advertising “quick solutions to your spiritual problems" on Twitter.

Tweets from 2016 show users expressing their surprise at finding a Babalawo on their Twitter streets.


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