Vegetables Suitable for Tunnel Farming in Pakistan

Tunnel farming is not an old concept and it is also becoming popular in Pakistan and large number of tunnels are being seen in the villages of Punjab, Sindh and KPK. Here we are presenting an account of types of tunnels, suitable vegetables for each tunnel type. Sowing dates and P to P & R to R distances are also given here.
Cucumber flowering in a tunnel
On the basis of height, tunnels can be broadly categorized in to 3 types;
Type of tunnel
Height (meters)
Suitable Vegetables
High Roof Tunnel
4-5 m
T/angle iron, bamboo, pipes
Cucumber, gourds bittergourd, tomato
Walk-in Tunnel
~ 2 m
Iron / zinc pipes
Bell pepper, green chillies, bittergourd, cucumber, brinjal, tomato, gourds
Low Tunnel
~ 1 m
Iron rods, bamboo, mulberry or grewia branches
Bell pepper, green chillies, bittergourd, cucumber, brinjal, tomato,gourds, watermelon, melon
Here is a list of most suitable vegetables recommended by Agriculture Department of Punjab Govt. for cultivation in different types of tunnels. 
Here we have also presented nursery/transplanting and direct sowing (recommended dates) for different vegetables. Common names of vegetables have been used (Urdu names are written for convenience).
High Tunnel
Nursery Sowing
Transplanting Nursery
Direct Sowing
Plant to Plant Distance
Row to Row Distance
(????? )
25 oct � to -
15 nov
22.5 � 30 cm
90 cm
(????? )
1st to 15 oct.
1st to 15 Nov.
30-45 cm
90 cm
(???? ??? )

1st to 15 Nov.
30 cm
90 cm
Bitter gourd
(????? )

1st to 15 Nov.
45 cm
90 cm
Walk-in Tunnel
Nursery Sowing
Transplanting Nursery
Direct Sowing
Plant to Plant Distance
Row to Row Distance
(????? )
15 Nov. to 15 Dec.
22.5-30 cm
60 cm
????? )
1st-15 Oct.
15-25 Nov.
30-45 cm
90 cm
????? )
15-25 Oct.
15-30 Nov.
50 cm
150 cm
???? ??? )
1st-10 Nov.
30 cm
90 cm
Capsicum/ Bell pepper
???? ??? )
1st-20 Sep.
15 Oct. to 10 Nov.
37 cm
60 cm
Green Chilli
(??? ??? )
1st-30 Sep.
15 Oct. to 10 Nov.
37 cm
60 cm
Bitter gourd
(????? )
15 Nov. to 30 Nov.
45 cm
90 cm
????? )
1st-20 Sep.
15 Oct. to 10 Nov.
45 cm
60 cm
Low Tunnel
Nursery Sowing
Transplanting Nursery
Direct Sowing
Plant to Plant Distance
Row to Row Distance
????? )
1st-15 Dec.
22.5-30 cm
150 cm
(???? ??? )
1st-15 Dec.
45 cm
240 cm
Summer Squash
??? ??? )
1st-15 Dec.
45 cm
150 cm
Bitter gourd
(????? )
1st-15 Dec.
45 cm
240 cm
Gourd (Zucchini)
(???? ???? )
1st-15 Dec.
45 cm
240 cm
(???? ??? )
1st-15 Dec.
50 cm
240 cm
(????? )
15-30 Oct.
15-30 Nov.
1st-15 Dec.
45 cm
150 cm
?????? )
1st-15 Dec.
45 cm
150 cm
(????? )
1st-15 Dec.
45 cm
150 cm


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