Interesting afternoon
A lot was happening in Seward today with the lighted parade to get started soon. When Dad used to come get us from country school once in a while, with a team of horses and farm wagon, we never thought people would stand in line for such a ride. Nor would have Chris Turner ever thought that this little house that he built on N.2nd St. back in the 1890's be so well remodeled and decorated for the Holiday's, as it is today. It's been well maintained. Things were also happening on North Columbia Ave. where Carolyn was putting up wallpaper in the guest bedroom of their new house. She had already done the guest bathroom. I visited with Verlon this morning and he tells me of enjoying the house pictures as it comes along. The tile floor, wainscoating and colorful wallpaper make for a very attractive bathroom. We admire Carolyn's ability to do the quality job in putting up the wallpaper, just like every thing else that she undertakes. I'm sure the contractors will be impres...