Kinds of Tillage Operations

As we have discussed earlier, Tillage is the mechanical manipulation of the soil with tools and implements to make soil conditions suitable for better seed germination and crop growth whereas, tilth is a physical condition of the soil resulting from tillage. Conceptual map of kinds of Tillage Operations Here we will discuss about types of tillage operations; 1. On Season Tillage: Tillage operations performed at the start of or during the cropping seasons. (June�July or Sept.�Oct.). They are of two main types; 1. Preparatory Tillage 2. Intercultivation (or Inter tillage) 2. Off Season Tillage: Tillage operations carried out during fallow or non-cropped periods (summer). 3. Special Types of Tillage: As the name refers, these tillage operations are carried out with some special objective. 1. On Season Tillage The tillage operations performed during the onset of cropping season to preparation of seedbed for better crop growth and later during the crop stand, are called on-season tillage ...