Health Hazards of Pesticide

INTRODUCTION This article will discuss about the harmful effects of pesticides (especially insecticides) use on human health. The pesticides applied to crops, household etc. are not only mitigating pest problem but they are also a source of extreme and permanent damage to human health and environment. Pesticides are substances or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest. They include; Insecticides - kill insects Fungicides - used to kill fungi Biocides - used to kill microbes Herbicides - used to kill herbs and weeds Rodenticides - used against rodents e.g., rats. Pediculicide [against lice ( Pediculus humanus )] Fumigants etc. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE Used in agriculture, industry, household and medicine. A major factor for rise in Agriculture productivity in 20th century. Nearly all insecticides have the potential to significantly alter ecosystems; Many are toxic to humans; others are concentrated ...