
Showing posts from January, 2013

Classification of Plant Diseases

Diseases in plants can be caused by a number of pathogens and almost all plant species. Therefore, it is difficult to classify plant disease based on one factor only. So p lant diseases can be classified in many ways based on the factors involved in the disease inciting (viz., susceptible host, parasite and environment). Plant diseases can be classified as; Leaf yellowing of Malvastrum sp. (viral disease) i) On the basis of Causal Organisms For example,  Diseases caused by bacteria, Diseases caused by viruses, Diseases caused by mollicutes, Diseases caused by fungi ii) On the basis of the Type of Plants For example; Cereal crop diseases, Diseases of fruit crops, Diseases of vegetable crops, Diseases of ornamental plants iii) On the basis of their Symptoms For example; Rusts, Smuts, Powdery Mildews, Downy Mildews, Leaf blights, Vascular wilts, Damping off, Leaf blights iv) On the basis of their Occurrence a) Endemic Diseases The disease which is present in more or less constantly...

Plant Disease Inciting Agents

The plants in nature are exposed to a number of parasites and pathogens. The distinction of parasite and pathogen must be very clear in mind before distinguishing disease causing organisms from other micro organisms living on and getting nutrition from the host.  Grass smut grown on MEA medium The surface of plant is vulnerable to both disease causing pathogens and other environmental conditions. But the pathogens can be classified into one of the following groups. i) Biotic Agents  (Bacteria, Mollicutes, Fungi, Algae, Nematodes, Mycoplasmas etc) ii) Abiotic agents  (Environmental factors like Temperature, Rainfall, Humidity, High or low pH etc) iii) Mesobiotic agents  (These are Viruses and Viroids) 1 . BIOTIC AGENTS A)  FUNGI Alternaria sp. Fungi are small, generally microscopic, eukaryotic, usually filamentous, branched, spore-bearing organisms that lack chlorophyll. Fungi have cell walls that contain chitin and glucans (but no cellulose) as the skeletal comp...

Medicinal Value of Mushrooms

If we go into the history we will find many types of uses of mushrooms but our focus will be in the medicine. So here we will present an account of the medicinal value of the mushrooms. Agaricus muscarius Universal Remedies for Complaints and Disorders Polyporus officinalis was used under the name �agarick�.it was used for all the complaints and disorder as a universal remedy. To stop bledding P. Officinalis was used in homes as drastic purge aid applied externally to stop bleeding. It was also used for chronic catarrh disease (=inflammation of mucous membrane) of the breast and lungs. Other Diseases Used as remedy for night sweating in tuberculosis, for rheumatism, gout, jaundice, dropsy and intestinal worms. Homeopathic medicines Boletus laricis was used for flamed eyes and as a gargle for  Inflammation of the throats. F. fomentarius and agaricks are used  for rapid coagulation of blood. Surgical Dressing Lycoperdon giganteum is used as a soft and ...

Disease Triangle and Concept of Plant Disease

Disease is simply defined as the going away of the normal condition of health. In plants, disease is associated with a set of symptoms of the disease and sometimes there are associated signs of the disease.  Many authors have tried to define disease in plants and they have defined it differently. But disease can be defined in a comprehensive manner as;  Disease Triangle of Plant Pathology " Disease is a malfunctioning and complex phenomenon which is caused by the interaction of host, parasite and environment. " In any kind of disease the result is the damage caused to the economic product of the plant and plant scientists are concerned to prevent this damage. Host is the plant to which a particular pathogen attacks, where as pathogen is any disease causing organism. Environment is perhaps the most important factor which helps the pathogen to cause symptoms on the diseased plant. This particular relationship is called  Disease Triangle.   Some scientists are of th...

Kingdom Fungi and PhytoPathology - A Unique Perspective

INTRODUCTION   This article emphasises on the classification of the Fungi and Fungi-like organisms (FLOs) into phyla of a single kingdom Fungi. But the approach here is different from others; since the focus will b on the classification of fungi as well as the diseases caused by each group. Here you will get to know about the type of spore, sporangia and fruiting body as well as major diseases and the pathogens of the diseases. At the end there is a glossary of a few terms is added to help clear some of the concepts regarding growth habitat.  KINGDOM FUNGI Fungi are small, generally microscopic, eukaryotic, usually filamentous, branched, spore-bearing organisms that lack chlorophyll. Fungi have cell walls that contain chitin and glucans (but no cellulose) as their skeletal components.   ----------------------------------------------------------- OUTLINE OF THE TOPIC        a)  Introduction     b)  Phylum Chytridiomycota   ...