Arthropoda is the phylum of animals that include the insects, arachnids, crustaceans and others that are characterized by the presence of jointed limbs. Arthropodology (from Greek; arthron = joint, podos = foot & logous = to study) is a biological discipline concerned with the study of arthropods . Entomology (from Greek; entomos , "cut in pieces or engraved/segmented", hence "insect"; and & logous = to study) is the Scientific study of Insects and a branch of arthropodology. Entomologists are the scientists who study, collect, rear and experiments on insects. The insects are easy to work upon for a number of reasons, easy to culture in lab, short life cycles, rapid population turnover and lesser ethical concerns to experiment on insects compared to other vertebrate insects. Honeybee on a Sunflower Biodiversity of Insects Over 1 million species have been described and work has been published, but the estimated number is much higher as well as many specie...